Hello blog world. My name is Marta and i'm proud to present the Harry Potter: News Online.
I've already add some pages, but there not available yet. During the next week i'll update those pages.
You can check them out anytime you want. Whenever you want to comment you can do it, or simply leave me a message, i'll be very honored to know what you think about my blog.
Now, in my posts i'll be putting some curiosities about the characters and the cast as well as from all the people involved in the creation of this amazing world.
A little about me: I'm 15 years old and I live in Portugal. I'm writing in English because it has been a dream of mine to go to London and live there, since I was a kid, and I really love English, so... Well if you want to know more about e, don't be afraid to ask, i'll be really honored to answer you!