Monday 2 July 2012

The Golden Trio

So, I just wanted to make a tribute post to the Golden Trio. In my opinion those three were kind of like my mates when I had nothing to do or when I was upset with something. I read, and read, and I couldn't stop reading, and I can honestly say that it started to grow an obsession inside me, I wont deny it.
All the adventures that they live, I always imagined myself with Harry, Ron and Hermione living those adventures while reading the books. And so, these books have been a part of my childhood and i'm sure that they'll be a part of my adolescence, and this is just something so incredibly amazing that i'm sure it'll stay in my head for so long!
I'm not sure of what to say anymore, because I think that there's no words that describe the happiness that those simple adventures made me feel.
So thank you so much J.K. Rowling!

Harry, Ron & Hermione forever !